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  • Nicos Paschali 3:42 am on April 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: business performance, , ,   

    Dealing with Client Emotions when they complaint. 

    hbdi team

    “When dealing with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion…”

    If you remember this statement during every one of your customer service interactions, you will be half way to understanding how to deal with customer complaints. You must be prepared to first deal with a client’s emotions and then deal with the actual issue.

    Unless you can respect the client’s perspective, it will be difficult to deliver a solution that turns a negative situation into a positive one.

    It’s not always easy to get to the root of a client’s issues. You may use the why underneath the why or create and empathy map leading to your client insight.

    You must listen and understand the client before tackling the issue. However once you have identified the issue, there are a few steps that you can take to ensure the process leads to favorable results.

    Your response to customer complaints can build trust and even create customer/client loyalty or even drive innovation to deliver added value to your clients

  • Nicos Paschali 5:09 am on June 26, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: business performance, ,   

    How do you make Trust? 

    WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE to work for a firm where leaders and colleagues trust one another? Freed from micro-management and rivalry, every employee contributes his or her best. Risk-taking and innovation become the norm.As author Joel Peterson notes, “When a company has a reputation for fair dealing, its costs drop: Trust cuts the time spent second-guessing and lawyering.”

    TRUST is the glue that holds an organization together. It turns suspicion into empowerment, avoidance into transparency, and conflict into creativity.


  • Nicos Paschali 12:55 pm on June 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: business performance, , ,   

    High performance and engagement practices. Specific practices can deliver enhanced employee and organisational outcomes. There is no agreement about precisely what practices are most important, but there is a consensus that the practices required must provide employees with three things: 1. The ability to work effectively. 2. The motivation to work effectively. 3. The opportunity to work effectively

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